Sunday, April 12, 2009

The count down begins

Ya know 212 days is nothing in the over all scheme of life, but boy it sure sounds long at the moment. He's at the airport and will be getting on the plain in 30 minutes. We're back home, and its quiet. Dropping him off this time was so different than the last time....the kids are older, it was later in the day so they were awake. I cried, they hugged him, he teared up (had to put on those sun glasses LOL) and as he kissed me good-bye on the public (not something we ever do...kinda prudish like that LOL) he handed me a was the Navy Spouse coin. I was floored...I know he'll miss me, and I know he loves me but to take time to think about something that kind, just melted my heart.

I am going to be more POSITIVE this time, and I am going to work on GOALS...although canasta and booze the last time ROCKED...I think I am going to make changes, and improvements in me that I've been putting off for a lot of years. So get ready gang I'll keep you updated.

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