Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Loneliness (adj)
1 : being without company : cut off from others : SOLITARY
2 : not frequented by human beings : DESOLATE
3 : sad from being alone : LONESOME
4 : producing a feeling of bleakness or desolation

So now that the MORBID definition of this word is out of the way lets discuss "loneliness" when your husband is deployed and you have friends and family. Ya know sometimes in life it doesn't matter how many people you surround yourself with you can still be ALONE. I mean take me for example: I have 4 kids, and I have a few friends that live near me in this city, and I have tons of friends and family that are w/in 11 hours of me. In a pinch I could be there by dinnertime any week-end. But without Shayne I am LOST many hours out of everyday. I mean as a Navy wife I know I'm supposed to be tough, and strong, and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. But today when my 11 yr old was sick enough that I had to go pick him up at school and take him to the doctor, I missed my husband. I have a 2 yr old and a 3 yr old I had to relocate so I could deal with Mackenzie. Now if I lived closer to family or my husband was home babysitting (not the right word to use with your own kids I don't think) wouldn't have been an issue now would it?

Anyway, I managed, but the problem I struggle with is one all wives deal with (I think) how to get EVERYTHING done with out hubby around. I mean the majority of husbands work whether they are military or not so we all feel like "single moms" at certain points in our lives. I know that I have a support system but I have to learn to use it. There are women here with me who will watch my kids when I need it, and I do know that. But since I am lucky enough to be a stay-at-home-mom, and don't often NEED anyone to baby-sit, I don't always know how to ask for help. That leads into a topic for ANOTHER day...LOL

I truly am not sure how to deal with loneliness though. I mean in a world where we are surrounded by tons of people physically and millions more via the internet how can any one of us be LONELY. But we are lonely, and many days of our lives bleakness or desolation can set in. So what do we do to cope? Hhhhhhmmmmmm I guess we learn to ASK for help and to TALK to anyone and everyone who will listen to us. There are kind people out there even if they DON'T understand what we are going though as military wives whose husbands deploy. But that being said we as military wives need to remember that there are women out there dealing with the same feelings that we are even if their husbands aren't deployed, and they too need our support. So the moral of this blog is LONELINESS no matter what the reason is there for all of us and we need to help out each other just to get though each instant that we as WIVES are lonely.

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