Monday, September 25, 2006

"Oh he's Deployed?"

Oh how often I have heard that phrase with the "attitude" to go with it. Ya know people forget what these men and women give up to "FIGHT FOR THEIR FREEDOMS" now don't they? I mean when my BIL got deployed for a 2nd time to Iraq he used to tell my SIL that it was ok people complained about the war his fighting gave them that right.

Well I never really gave that conversation a second thought UNTIL it directly effected me. My husband joined the Navy and works hard every single day. And to actually hear people complain or minimize the war, angers me. At this point in time, whether they agree with the war of not is moot point isn't it? I mean my goodness we've been there a LONG time already. So whether we should have gone or not is not worthy of a discussion. BUT what upsets me the most is that the men and women are still there and left alone, and instead of these people YELLING about it they NEED to support these BRAVE men and women and the families they have left behind. I did manage to apologize to my SIL for not being more supportive during that earlier conversation.

Now I have friends and family who say things like "I'd be glad my husband was gone for 8 months" or "Be glad he's not going to Iraq for a year" or my all time favorite is the "It will be ok, you are strong you can do this because you have too." Now many days over the past 14 years I would have LOVED for him to be gone, but EVERYONE wants what they don't have. Now he's gone and my heart is broken everyday. The Iraq one....Well all I can say about that is my husband is gone to another country, for 8 months w/o the kids or I and to me its not about WHERE he is but its where he isn't that's hard. Ya know deployment to ANYWHERE is scary and needs to NOT be minimized. And finally, I know I can do this, and I will....But once in awhile it would be nice if someone understood that this is miserably hard many hours though out every day. I would love to NOT have to pay the bills, or change every diaper, or do well EVERYTHING, but I have too, its the life we are married too. BUT that doesn't make it any EASIER for us or for him.

I am so proud of my husband for the job he is doing, and I'm angry at the same time. I mean who volunteers to leave his family and go fight for EVERYONE else's freedoms. I want that to NOT be his job, but even as I type those words I know that would make him someone who he isn't. And how could I NOT support his love for this country and his need to do this for not only us but everyone else? I mean I couldn't imagine NOT supporting him. He is truly an amazing man and I am so proud of him. So as you read this, remember that even if you don't agree with the WAR, know that MANY of us have given up so much to fight for FREEDOM, and everyday when you say a prayer you NEED to offer one up for the BRAVE men and women AND their families they left behind.

1 comment:

Chaos Mommy said...

Good words, Lady! You'll do fine. People say dumb things. Same with me, they would say, at least he's not going to Iraq! Well, now Afghanistan is just as dangerous.
When people say things or try to demean what your hubby is doing, YOU know he's a hero, the KIDS know daddy's a hero... everyone else can take a long walk... Ya know?!