Monday, June 08, 2009

Rock the boat..... tonight I am going to praise one of my husband's GREAT (yet annoying LOL) qualities. He is the type of person that if he "bitches" about something then it needs fixed, he can prove it, and he has the solution. I HATE it, yet love it at the same time. He's the type of guy who if he said "the sky is green" I would look out of amazement not because he said something bizarre....because if he cared enough to tell me then I'd KNOW it was green.

So this leads me to a brief synopsis of this deployment. Let me first say he was "name selected" for this tour...for all you military women you know there is NO getting out of that. Anyway this truly is a big deal. Shayne is amazing he sees something wrong and fixes it...its how he functions. So long story short he's on the island and he sees issues he wants/needs fixed so this time he sent the "info" up the chain of command because this chain wants to know everything. Anyway he ended up on night shift...I think he might have pissed someone off LOL. But here's the deal, it lead me to toss this around before I blogged. I believe that if safety of military personnel is an issue or something is not SOP (standard operating procedure) then it needs addressed whether anyone gets pissed or not. So I told him so, and he was like "I have taught you well young padawan" LOL. And he's right...better to ROCK the BOAT if it will IMPROVE a situation that NEEDS improving, than to sit silently by and watch the shit hit the fan right?

So as a human being (not man or woman...military or non military) I want to know if you have ROCKED the Boat in your life and if you KNEW it was right or did it to just be a "pain in the butt." I can say that I have done it for both reasons...and some were just out of sheer nastiness...I know not the best karma to get but it was NECESSARY for my own sanity occasionally LOL. I BELIEVE that the law is the law, and fair is fair (as fair as can be in life), and that although there are GRAY areas, that right is right and wrong is wrong. Now that's not my "rose colored" glasses here, its life. I think that we SHOULD ALL stand up for what we believe in, and what is right and just and fair in the world...and we BETTER darn well stand up when there are injustices and hate being demonstrated.

Its our job to care for each other....I don't wanna quote Hillary Clinton to much but "it does take a village" but not to just raise a child, to live in peace and fairness for EVERYONE. So do you wanna ROCK the BOAT with me and be part of the VILLAGE or will you be sitting silently by and waiting for the IMPLOSION?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I will happily rock the boat with you - you totally have to stand up and do what you think is right (whether it is or not!) - otherwise sometimes you go insane!!!