Friday, January 19, 2007

Only 56 days left

or so we hope. Today my husband's "NEW" boss from the Naval Hospital called me to leave a message for him. Nope they were NOT calling him back early but to find out if there was a different unit he wanted to be assigned too. Maybe if they are calling now he really is going to come home.

I listened to the news last night (not something I usually do if I can help it) but I heard how the trials will be starting soon, and I got nervous that maybe he wouldn't get home when WE think he is supposed to come home LOL but as with any military branch I know we are doing what as military wives...oh yeah "hurry up and WAIT."

He is supposed to call me tonight and I can tell you just sitting here waiting for him to call makes my heart beat out of my chest. Holy crap you'd think I'd be over the whole "BUTTERFLY EFFECT" that as young girls with new loves that we get. But nope, nightly when I wait for him to call I have those butterflies again. OMGosh he is the love of my life.

Funny how this time apart has PROVEN to me that he is all I have ever wanted, and all I ever want. He is handsome, and smart, (a bit selfish and inconsiderate at times) but all in all he makes my heart flutter everyday of my life. I hope when we are 80 and sitting on the front porch with a cup of coffee and the paper, that I still love him as much as I do today.

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