Sunday, May 17, 2009

I just walked out...

....I suddenly realized that I NEEDED a break. Its been a LONG, BUSY, week-end, and its been good (see POOL blog) but here is my LUCK this past week...its POURING STILL. I finally have a pool to ENTERTAIN the kids for an EXTENDED period of time, and its RAINING.

I did talk to Shayne and he sounded good, but all the sudden we hung up, and I just felt "disconnected" literally. I got up, got dressed, said to the kids I'll be back I have the cell phone, and I gave myself a time out. I walked thru the garden department (yep no roof, in the rain...buying Hostas for around my pool) and I can tell you that the best time to SHOP is when you are "disconnected" from life. I mean there was truly NOTHING I wanted to spend money this exact moment, Shayne just took a deep breath,and cheered LOL. Don't get TOO excited honey, I did spend a couple dollars, got the Hostas and a BUG zapper...whooo hooooo soon the mosquitoes will be GONE out back...or at least ZAPPED...yea me.

My friends Peggie and Laurie (they are going darn it she needs to quit referencing us LOL) reminded me when I was "SAILING" thru this first month, that there there would be DAYS...and they are right. I told ya earlier that week-ends and rainy days kill me. I did manage to get his license renewal fee paid so guess he still gets to stay employed (happy now aren't ya honey LOL).

We are all doing fine, and we will emerge on the other side stronger, more determined than before he left, but some days I just need a "mommy time-out" and today was it, and I guess on the POSITIVE side at least it was KINDA productive. I do think I need a Starbucks don't I gang...maybe I'll go on back out and grab one. Till tomorrow, when I hope the SUN burns off this rain...have a great night.

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