Tuesday, May 12, 2009

One Month in....

...OMGosh I can't believe I am typing those darn words again. Seems like yesterday I did this same darn post. But no such luck its a new go round. This time a cake every month just seemed gross. So for Mother's Day my kids got me these great Speciality Apples and they came in today....I took it as a SIGN (we all know I am big into those LOL). Anyway, this year we will be venturing down a new road and trying something different each month to mark how far we have come.

I can tell you its been...easier...doesn't seem like the right word, but for lack of a better one, easier works....this time. I know its because there are less "big" holidays to deal with the end of the school year is so busy that time flies. I know there will be LOTS of crappy days, but this time I am MORE prepared, and I know now that I CAN get thru them, and I will.

My husband is an amazing man, who has surprised me in so many ways over the years, but the sheer SUPPORT, LOVE, ENCOURAGEMENT, and CHIVALRY he has shown me just melts my heart. A friend of mine who did a SPOTLIGHT on my family this month (check out her Rebuilding America Starts with Family web site...its a FANTASTIC site), told me that we have a "love story" and when I feel the sadness passing this time, I think of that, so THANK you Melanie for those words, I am more grateful than you can imagine, those two little words have gotten me thru a this month.

I hope that those of you who follow this blog will drop me a few IDEAS for next months "sweet" celebration...no cake or cupcakes here this year :)

1 comment:

It Starts With the Family said...

You and Shayne really do have a love story...hang on to it and don't take each other for granted...