Wednesday, May 20, 2009

When is the time right.....

....last night I was feeling really sad about Shayne being gone, and I'm sick, and I needed him to understand. So when he called for our 2 minute phone call last night, I was "mushy and teary" and he said what is wrong? So I said I miss you I'm ready for you to come home. His response "its too early to start this." Well ok, maybe it is, but last night it wasn't for understand the last time he was gone, I was a BASKET case every day (although I hid it from the kids a lot), and this time I'm "rolling along, and taking it like a big brave dog" (gotta love the Rugrats) LOL, but once in awhile it gets tiring.

So what I want to know is when am I allowed to feel this way? I mean is there some written law somewhere that says you have to wait till the 1/2 way point to be sad? I mean come on. So needless to say on my least favorite day of the week, Wednesday, I stewed about it. OMG looking back I was less happy than a cow chewing its cud that's for sure. But I'm fine, I managed to "get over it" funny how anger does that for ya LOL.

Here I sit tonight thinking that I "knew it all" I was "well prepared" this time, but just goes to show how quick life throws you a curve ball. The only true difference between last night and the last time...I RECOVERED, and I did it QUICKLY and with STYLE and GRACE. Yep I am a Navy wife, and I'm proud of it...even if I'm not happy with him every single day...its NORMAL, and I'm ok with NORMAL, at least tonight.

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