Thursday, May 14, 2009

No phone emails.... news...Oh my. I feel like today I am dragging my butt along that DIRTY yellow brick road. But by damn it when I get to the "Great Oz" he's gonna open that darn curtain and do some listening. I have a running list of things I want, need, have to have done to NOT lose my mind today.

Its been a month, and I'm doing so much better than the last time but, some days it is truly a TRIAL by FIRE here. I'm looking at my house, and I'm wondering where the hell the hurricane went that came on through my kitchen, living room...oh hell just the whole darn house. I watched the weather channel not a hurricane in the forecast, but I know there was one because my house is DESTROYED.

Ya know that phrase "no news is good news" well its NOT true. I think that I can honestly speak for many Military Wives and say this SUCKS, and it SUCKS BIG TIME some days. Now I can do this, and I will because I HAVE too for our family, our kids, my husband, and well for me...cause I can't stand buckles and long white sleeves ROFL. I look better in much darker colors LOL.

OK well got it off my chest, and I'm ready to pick up and head to bed....well maybe I'll just get up early LOL....the dirt will still be here. Hang in there honey whatever you are doing....I am thinking of you.

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