Sunday, October 15, 2006

3 Wishes

Ok so if you were cleaning out the attic and found a bottle that you rubbed and out popped a genie willing to grant you 3 wishes what would they be. Now remember that you only ever can have these 3 wishes. So think hard….what would you wish for?

My first gut instinct would be to have my deployed husband back home with me ASAP. But if he is home now then I didn’t accomplish my goals that I set for ME during his deployment. Hhhhhhhmmm that sounds odd coming out of my mouth…but the only way I was getting this weight off was to do it while he was gone…I mean I made up my mind I was gonna be skinny (well skinnier LOL), blonde and in pink camo shorts when I picked him up at the airport…and damn it I’m doing it this time. Also wishing him home today wouldn’t accomplish his MISSION…and we all know how important the MISSION is, even if we don’t want them too…its what they were made for, we have to let them do it. So nope my first wish wouldn’t be for him to be home today…although my heart does say different.

Ok, so now what wish? I guess if I had to chose a wish it would be for my kids. I wouldn’t wish for their life to be easy. No I want them to earn EVERYTHING its what I believe makes them better people. I want them to be happy but not without pain. I know that’s crazy but ya know what, it’s the pain that makes us stronger individuals in our lives. So what would I wish for my children? I guess that they live the lives they want to live maybe hitting the lottery once or twice too, so they can help out dear, old, mom LOL.

Well that’s one wish out of the way…I think maybe I’d wish for my family and friends lives to be a bit easier, and wealthier too. I mean hell if they could pay their houses, cars, and college loans off then they could all help me too LOL. See the trend here…if everyone else has the “GOLD” then I am set LOL.

I can tell you my final wish would be for all our military men and women to be home…NOT TODAY like I’d love to say, but AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. I need to be able to go to bed and know that this war (whether I agreed at the beginning or not doesn‘t matter right now) I need to know that this war accomplishes SOMETHING. I want someone to get the Democracy that they so need, I want the “BAD GUYS” all caught, sent to trial, and punished according to the law.

So my wishes ultimately would be for happiness and wealth for my family and friends, and World Peace. Good thing I am not a Miss America candidate as the whole World Peace thing is a bit cheesy but truly what I want. I want them all home safe and sound with their wives (or husbands), and their children. I want to go bed at night knowing that the MISSION was accomplished, and that NO ONE died in vain. I can tell you that I wouldn’t have made these particular wishes 4 years ago, but tonight as I sit here with my husband so very far away, I know that these are the RIGHT wishes to make, and even though he wants to be here with us that he has to stay awhile longer. So gang look for those magic bottles and remember to be careful what you wish for, it may just come true.

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