Monday, October 23, 2006

Can’t fix it all

Ya know as a mother you want your kids to be happy and never have hurt feelings, and the first time some crappy kid is mean to them, you wanna kick their scrawny ass, then you wanna hunt their mother down and kick hers. However you take a deep breath and remember you can’t, and that unfortunately no matter how hard it is you have to find a way to help them work through their hurt feelings.

So where is all this coming from? Well I have an 11 year old whose a big big I mean he’s 5ft 2 inches and 190 lbs. He is like the broad side of a barn. I love him so much, he is the kindest child I know. He has grown into his own over the past few years. He reads better than anyone in his class, and is further ahead in Advanced math than my older child is and he’s 3 years older than him LOL. Mackenzie also made the academic derby team this year. I mean he is amazing. Anyway, this week-end he went camping with another Scout family, because its really too cold at night to take my 2 and 3 year old out in a tent overnight. He came home on Sunday and I thought everything was fine, and he had a good time. Took him 2 hours before he anted up that the kid was mean to him. Now mean I can handle…we’ve done mean before…hell I think mine have been mean at one point in time. But when he started crying it broke my heart. And what was worse is I can’t fix it for him.

So in typical FAMILY fashion, we all pulled together and at 6pm tonight we will all be walking with him. He is now on some diet that I know isn’t healthy for him, and he’s exercising. All of which will in the long run be good but it angers me that some creepy kid hurt him to the point of tears. I wished Shayne had been here to go camping this week-end, it would have helped. But such is life. We’ll figure it out. I guess for me the point of this blog is just this…yet another thing in life we can’t control, all we can do is work with it, and through it. I know he will be ok, and get over it…probably before I will…I tend to hold grudges LOL. But gosh doesn’t it suck that he has too. I mean wasn’t there a time when kids were nicer to each other…or did we just not know to be that mean to someone? Oh well maybe it is the media and all the sex and violence on television that makes these kids meaner, or maybe we were that mean too all those years ago. I don’t know but I know as a mom this sucks, and I’m angry at myself for not being able to fix this. But again such is life, and as with anything it will work itself out.

1 comment:

scrapperjen said...

Oh I feel for you! Kids are SO mean! Our DS was bullied all through elementary school and it really wasn't until last year that he came into his own and figured out how to stand up for himself.
It IS heartbreaking!!!!!!!