Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Who lives in your house?

Ok so I was reading my friend Peggy’s blog yesterday about her hubby not actually ever being in their new apartment and it got me thinking about who lives in my house. Now realistically I know my husband is coming home (soon I hope) and that everything will have to go back the way it was. But at what point does that kitchen cupboard, or the master bathroom become yours? I mean I have my own space and things I actually call "MINE" even if my kids don't agree LOL.

See my husband OWNS the master bathroom, and the closet in there. He also has a corner cupboard in my kitchen where he stores all his granola and oatmeal. So what’s changed? Well he deployed, and I started cleaning a few things up...well not cleaning but rearranging because I got to look in places I hadn't looked in for a year. That corner cupboard is HUGE. OMG I can't believe he actually packs it with like "GOOD FOOD" do you know how many bags of Honey BBQ chips I could hide in that cupboard? Holy cow. Then I realized that the toilet in the master bathroom stays CLEAN if hubby isn't in there 100 times a day. Its actually white LOL. Now I did look in the bathroom closet and if I cleaned it out it would be a decent closet. But as it stands now its a great place to put all his MILITARY GEAR. Its never lost that way.

So anyway back to the topic of my blog. I realized that my husband was actually NOT living here for the time being when I opened "HIS" cupboard and found my splenda, and my weight watcher 2pt snack bars, oh and cream of wheat...and other stuff that would NEVER be in there if he was actually LIVING here LOL. So here's what I figure. If he wants to RETAIN any of the spaces that he calls HIS, then he will have to FIGHT me for them. Because I live here, so possession being like 9/10ths of the law and all...I guess that makes the cupboard MINE now....LOL. And since we're on the topic of acquiring possessions Shayne, your son and daughter think that they ONLY sleep on your side of the bed. So guess you'll be fighting me for the toilet, cupboard, and MUSTANG, and Seth and KD for the bed LOL. You are missed honey, but I do LOVE the cupboard.

1 comment:

Chaos Mommy said...

LOL!!!! I'm laughing so hard right now!
Don't just give him that cupboard back, now! You'll cave once he actually come back!
I have this HUGE walk-in-closet now and even though he's not here, HALF the damn closet is filled with his military crap! He's NOT EVEN HERE!!! How does he still manage to get half the closet to himself?! I don't get it!
And where do you keep getting these super cute pics from?